
Mobilna verzija strani še ni na voljo!

Prosimo oglejte si stran na računalniku oz. večjem zaslonu.

Najprej moramo končati DESKTOP verzijo,

nato pa se lotimo izdelave prilagojenih

prikazov za mobilne naprave!

Hvala za razumevanje.

GGD logo Gorenjska Gradbena Družba


“Cookies” are small files that the website sends to the browser of Internet user. At repeated visit of the website the browser sends them back to the server and thus identifies the user. In this way the website can, for example, adapt the advertisements to the user, record the visiting history, store the settings and user names and passwords etc. – gather various information, including personal data about the user.

The new Law on Electronic Communications (ZEKom 1) requires that each website that uses cookies should provide to user the following information:

Like majority of websites, by using cookies we try to assure you better, faster and safer experience.

More information about cookies is available in the Guidelines of the Information Commissioner

This website uses the following cookies:

Cookie name Purpose Source / Company
cb-enabled Accepting the terms of cookiesGorenjska gradbena družba, d.d.
_utma Records the distinction between users (sessions). Google Analytics
_utmb Records the distinction between users (sessions). Google Analytics
_utmc The statistics of website views. Google Analytics
_utmz Defines the traffic source or advertising campaign. Google Analytics